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Always original paintings, never prints
Every artwork you find here is an original hand painting crafted by talented local artists.
Local orders are hand-delivered by the artist!
If you live in the same community as the artist, they'll personally deliver it to you. Now that's local!
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Use the "Try in Your Room" feature on any painting page to upload an image of your wall, or project the art on your wall with your phone or tablet.
Experience a painting up close before buying it
We can arrange an in-person meeting with the artist at your local Starbucks® to view the painting. As a special bonus, we'll give you a $5 Starbucks® gift certificate so you can enjoy a coffee on us.
Family & pet portraits and custom commissions
Whether you're looking to preserve the memories of your family or pets or commission a custom work of art, our gallery is the perfect choice.
What if the painting I want is from an artist who isn't local?
Not to worry! Unless otherwise specified, all prices include shipping anywhere within the Continental USA.
Pay at your own pace with Affirm
Select Affirm at checkout and pay over time - and never pay a penny more than you agreed to on day one.
Buy with confidence
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 14 days from the date of purchase for a full refund.